
What to do if you have COVID-19

If you tested positive for COVID-19:

  • Please stay home and self-isolate from those not showing symptoms – DO NOT GO to work, school, or public places.  
  • Notify your close contacts and ask them to quarantine. A close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, two days before their symptoms start or before their positive test.

Effective 2/10/22, Allen County Public Health will provide self-attestation isolation letters to Allen County residents who need them through this website. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ACPH FOR AN ISOLATION LETTER.

Please use the link below for a fillable isolation letter to be used as needed for return to work or school. It is recommended that the isolation letter be accompanied by a copy of a positive test result.

Self-Attest Allen County Isolation Letter 2-2022

You need to be in self-isolation until you have been free from fever for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, your symptoms have improved, and at least 5 days have passed after your symptoms began. (Day O is considered the date of onset of symptoms or date of positive test, if asymptomatic. Day 1 would then be the day after symptom onset or positive test.) Continue to wear a mask for 10 days.

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and they worsen or become severe, you should seek emergency medical care.